




事故特征参数为96个,截取事故发生后960s的数据(采样间隔10s),得到维度为[96, 96]的归一化样本。由于特征间数量级差异较大,采用最大值归一化处理。

Accident Description Number Severity
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident (Hot Leg) 100 % of 100 cm2
LOCAC Loss of Coolant Accident (Cold Leg) 100 % of 100 cm2
SLBIC Steam Line Break Inside Containment 101 % of 100 cm2
SLBOC Steam Line Break Outside Containment 100 % of 100 cm2
SGATR Steam Generator A Tube Rupture 100 % of 1 full tube rupture
SGBTR Steam Generator B Tube Rupture 110 % of 1 full tube rupture
RW Rod Withdrawal 100 % (+/-) withdrawn
RI Rod Insertion 82 % (+/-) insertion
FLB Feedwater Line Break 100 % of 100 cm2
MD Moderator Dilution 100 % of unborated injection
LR Load Rejection 99 % of full load rejected
LLB Letdown Line Break in auxiliary buildings 101 % of nominal letdown flow






模型 生成数据集(cGAN) 生成数据集(TimeGAN) 混合数据集(原始+cGAN) 混合数据集(原始+TimeGAN)
MLP1 19.33% 6.72% 94.12% 97.48%
MLP2 5.04% 5.88% 93.28% 96.64%
Resnet 10.92% 19.33% 100% 99.16%
DenseNet 10.92% 4.20% 99.16% 99.16%
GRU 0.84% 26.05% 86.55% 92.44%
LSTM 0.84% 17.65% 89.92% 93.2%
Transformer 5.88% 13.45% 99.16% 99.16%





模型名称 FLOPs Params FLOPs/Params 测试集准确率
MLP1 3.54M 0.11M 32.18 67.23%
MLP1(with first BN layer) 99.16%
MLP4 155.84M 4.87M 32.00 62.18%
MLP4(with first BN layer) 99.16%
ResNet_3 12187.01M 0.50M 24372.02 67.23%
ResNet_3(with first BN layer) 99.16%
DenseNet_4 1469.34M 0.19M 7733.37 38.66%
DenseNet_4(with first BN layer) 99.16%
GRU 2777.86M 0.90M 3086.51 78.15%
GRU(with first BN layer) 95.80%
LSTM 3701.30M 1.20M 3084.42 80.67%
LSTM(with first BN layer) 96.64%
Transformer 121.50M 0.04M 3037.5 88.24%
Transformer(with first BN layer) 99.16%



对比几个模型的准确率,MLP1(BN)= MLP4(BN) = ResNet_3(BN) = DenseNet_4(BN) = Transformer(BN) > LSTM(BN) > GRU(BN) > Transformer > LSTM > GRU > ResNet_3 > MLP1 > MLP4 > DenseNet_4。在模型没有首层BN层时,效果最好的是Transformer,其次是RNN(LSTM和GRU),在这两类模型中我们均是把事故数据当做时间序列来处理,体现出数据的时序信息对判断事故类别起着比较重要的作用,其中Transformer不仅准确率最高,参数量和运算量也很小。CNN的结果次于上述两类模型,在CNN中我们把每一例事故数据(96*96大小)当做图像处理,但数据并不具有像自然图像那样的二维结构信息,因此效果一般。MLP的准确率和它的隐藏层层数关系不大,模型变大,效果未必变好。另外,层数较少的MLP层加入非线性激活函数反而会降低模型的准确率,我们认为是ReLU函数在网络层数太少时会影响梯度的更新,我们用Sigmoid函数替代ReLU能在效果上获得不错的提升,直接去掉激活函数,效果还会进一步提升,我们认为原因在于数据里存在一些线性可分的特征,加入非线性激活函数,在隐藏层较少时会影响它们的线性可分性。






  1. 用深度学习技术去解决领域问题,要做好从构建数据集到训练深度学习模型的每一步工作。
  2. 初步探索MLP、CNN、RNN、Transformer和GAN等模型在核电厂事故诊断领域的应用。
  3. 数据集大小和数据预处理方法对深度学习模型的结果有较大影响。
  4. 初始阶段针对数据集做详细数据分析,将有助于选取更合适的深度学习模型。
  5. 未来工作将进一步探索深度学习模型在时序数据异常监测和关键参数预测方面的应用。

More info: Report






This paper presents a first-of-its-kind open dataset created using PCTRAN, a pre-developed and widely used simulator for NPPs. The dataset, namely nuclear power plant accident data (NPPAD), basically covers the common types of accidents in typical pressurised water reactor NPPs, and it contains time-series data on the status or actions of various subsystems, accident types, and severity information. Moreover, the dataset incorporates other simulation data (e.g., radionuclide data) for conducting research beyond accident diagnosis.

Qi, B., Xiao, X., Liang, J. et al. An open time-series simulated dataset covering various accidents for nuclear power plants. Sci Data 9, 766 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01879-1


This paper presents a review of various AI-based system-level fault diagnosis methods for NPPs. We first give the development history of AI. Based on this exposition, AI-based fault diagnosis techniques are classified into knowledge-driven and data-driven approaches. For knowledge-driven methods, we discuss both the early IF-THEN-based fault diagnosis techniques and the current new theory-based ones. The principles, application, and comparative analysis of the representative methods are systematically described. For data-driven strategies, we discuss single-algorithm-based techniques like ANN, SVM, PCA, DT, and Clustering, as well as hybrid techniques which combine algorithms together. The advantages and disadvantages of both knowledge-driven and data-driven methods are compared, illustrating the tendency to combine the two approaches. Finally, we give some possible future research directions and suggestions.

Qi, B.,Liang, J,Tong,J.Fault diagnosis techniques for nuclear power plants: a review from the artificial intelligence perspective.Energies.(Under review)



  • 学习高温气冷堆仿真机使用,构建数据集。
  • 学习机器学习和Pytorch,补充知识结构。
  • 着手开展博士课题工作,为下学期开题做准备。